Performing PX-8 Analog-to-digital Conversions on the PX-8 The PX-8 analog to digital conversion operations are performed under control of the 7508 slave CPU. Most, but not all, of these A/D operations can be handled with just one BIOS call that makes all the Z80/7508 communication involved transparent to the user. However, temperature sensing with the A/D converter is not handled by this call and requires some extra programming, which will be discussed later. The special A/D converter used in the PX-8 is a uPD 7001C. The mnemonic ADCVRT is used for this BIOS call, and it provides a common entry point for reading certain specific bytes of input data, such as an external analog voltage input, the bar code reader input voltage, the internal battery voltage, the DIP switch settings, and the power switch status. Note that the last two items do not involve the A/D converter as you would expect. A/D Specifications The A/D converter (uPD 7001C) specifications are: Input level: 0 to 2.0 V Resolution: 6 bits/32 mV Channels: Four channels, two of which are available to the user. Two other channels are used internally to detect battery voltage and temperature. Conversion time: 140 us Max. input voltage: 0 - 4.5 V ADCVRT call description The ADCVRT subroutine call is setup as follows: Entry Point: WBOOT + 6F Entry Parameters: Register C = 0 ; selects A/D channel 1 (input from A/D input jack) Register C = 1 ; selects A/D channel 2 (input from bar code reader connector) Register C = 2 ; selects DIP SW1 Register C = 3 ; selects battery voltage Register C = 4 ; selects power switch status When any other value is set in Register C, the routine returns without doing anything. Return Parameters: Upon return from the ADCVRT call, register A will contain the data byte requested on entry as illustrated below. Bit - 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ;Register A bits -------------------------------------- Data - MSB LSB ;A/D channels 1 & 2 Data - 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ;DIP SW1 Data - MSB LSB ;Battery voltage Data - TRIG PWSW ;Power switch For an A/D channel 1 or 2 request, bits 2 to 7 will all be 1 if the input voltage is greater than 2.0 V. If the input voltage is negative, bits 2 to 7 will all be 0. For a DIP SW1 status request, each bit returned denotes the corresponding switch on/off status. For a battery voltage request, bits 2 to 7 will all be 1 if the input voltage is greater than 5.7 V. The greater than 2.0 V battery voltage is compensated for by a special divider circuit that prevents the A/D device from seeing more than the 2.0 volts at its input. The ADCVRT routine then returns a value in the A register that can be related to the actual voltage of the battery by a linear formula. For a power switch status request, bit 0 = 1 indicates that the Power switch is On, while bit 0 = 0 indicates that it is Off. Bit 1 = 1 indicates that the TRIG status of the analog connector is On, while bit 1 = 0 indicates that it is Off. A practical use of the ADCVRT call is presented by the source listing for the program BATTERY.ASM written by Bob Diaz, and available on the EPSON B.B.S. Running this program on the PX-8 produces a graphic display of the actual battery voltage of your unit. As you will notice, the simplest part of the program is the actual ADCVRT call, while the rest of the program deals with binary to ASCII conversions and screen display. 7508 CPU communications For cases where no BIOS Call is provided, the programmer should keep in mind that communication with the 7508 CPU must take place across a serial interface that requires handshaking protocol. The discussion below will illustrate this. Since all A/D converter operations are controlled by the 7508 slave CPU, the Z80 never writes or reads directly to or from the A/D converter. The Z80 program merely sends commands to and reads data from a register in the 7508 I/F. When a one byte command is stored in this register, it is then serially passed to the 7508 CPU, which in turn recognizes and executes the specific command. The result of the 7508 command execution is then serially passed back to the same I/F register for subsequent readback into the A register of the Z80. As described above, the ADCVRT call does all this for you for the specific cases it was designed to handle. There is one A/D feature that this call does not handle, however. This is the temperature sensing feature. The following example of temperature sensing will further illustrate how to communicate with the 7508 chip. I/O address 06H points to the SIOR (Serial I/O Register) in the 7508 I/F, where a one byte command to the 7508 chip is sent. For sensing temperature this command is 1CH; for battery voltage reading it is 0CH. This parallel byte is then serially transferred to the 7508 as soon as the RES RDYSIO bit (bit 1 of CMDR address 01H) is set to a 1. Setting this bit to a 1 resets the RDYSIO bit (bit 3 of STR address 05H) and signals the 7508 to read the SIOR serially. While this command is being executed by the 7508, the RDYSIO bit (Serial I/O Ready) stays low indicating that the 7508 command is still executing. When the execution is finally complete, the result is passed serially by the 7508 back to the SIOR. A Z80 input command can now read this result and process it as needed. To obtain a temperature reading perform the following routine in Z80 code: LD A,1CH ;1CH is the temperature sense command OUT (06H),A ;Output 1CH to the SIOR LD A,02 OUT (01H),A ;Set RES RDYSIO bit to 1 to reset RDYSIO ; at this point the command is being sent to 7508 RDY: IN A,(05H) ;Read RDYSIO bit. Low=7508 busy BIT 3,A ;test it JP Z,RDY ;if busy, loop until 7508 op complete ; when here, SIOR contains result of requested command IN A,(06H) ;Read the raw temperature data The data byte that is now in register A must be converted into a meaningful form with a nonlinear translation formula. This formula is too complex to detail at this time. However, a very rough linear approximation, as extracted from the PX-8 technical manual, could be constructed from the five values below. If A reg = 60H then temperature = 50 degrees Centigrade. If A reg = 80H then temperature = 40 degrees Centigrade. If A reg = A0H then temperature = 32 degrees Centigrade. If A reg = C0H then temperature = 25 degrees Centigrade. If A reg = E0H then temperature = 18 degrees Centigrade.